From SCAR Divi Manual
function TPAInTPARel(const TPA1, TPA2: TPointArray): Boolean;
SCAR Divi 3.28 > Current
Returns true if a series of points are found in TPA2 that are all at the same relative position towards eachother as the points in TPA1. The function does not take into account duplicate points. If your arrays contain a lot of duplicate points, the overall execution time will be shorter is you remove the duplicate points first with TPARemoveDupl. An extended function with additional functionality is available as TPAInTPARelEx.
var TPA1, TPA2: TPointArray; begin TPA1 := [Point(2, 5), Point(6, 1), Point(1, 1)]; TPA2 := [Point(4, 7), Point(8, 3), Point(3, 3)]; WriteLn(TPAInTPARel(TPA1, TPA2)); TPA1 := [Point(2, 5), Point(6, 1), Point(1, 1)]; TPA2 := [Point(0, 0), Point(4, 7), Point(1, 1), Point(8, 3), Point(3, 3)]; WriteLn(TPAInTPARel(TPA1, TPA2)); TPA1 := [Point(1, 5), Point(6, 1), Point(1, 1)]; TPA2 := [Point(0, 0), Point(4, 7), Point(1, 1), Point(8, 3), Point(3, 3)]; WriteLn(TPAInTPARel(TPA1, TPA2)); end.
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