From SCAR Divi Manual
function FindWindowsEx(const ParentWnd: Hwnd; const Title, ClassName: string; const RecursiveSearch, CaseSensitive, PartialMatch: Boolean): THwndArray;
SCAR Divi 3.35 > Current
Finds all windows that conform to the specified parameters.
- ParentWnd specifies the parent window of which the windows you're looking for are children.
- Title specifies the title of the window you're looking for, if left empty, all titles will be matched.
- ClassName specifies the class name of the window you're looking for, if left empty, all class names will be matched.
- RecursiveSearch when set to true, will search not only for children of ParentWnd, but also their children, recursively.
- CaseSensitive when set to true, will make the title and class name match case sensitive.
- PartialMatch when set to true, will match all windows that have a part of the title or class name you specified in their title and class name.
var Wnds: THwndArray; Idx, Len: Integer; begin Wnds := FindWindowsEx(GetDesktopWindow, 'notepad', '', False, False, True); Len := Length(Wnds); for Idx := 0 to Len - 1 do WriteLn(Wnds[Idx]); end.