From SCAR Divi Manual
Revision as of 12:24, 11 November 2012 by Freddy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Definition== Member of TSCARBitmap.<source lang="scar" lines="false"> function TSCARBitmap.GetPixels(const TPA: TPointArray): TIntArray; </source> ==Availability== SCAR...")
Member of TSCARBitmap.function TSCARBitmap.GetPixels(const TPA: TPointArray): TIntArray;
SCAR Divi 3.37 > Current
Returns a TIntArray with the colors found on the bitmap at all of the given coordinates in the TPointArray TPA. If a coordinate in TPA is outside of the bitmap's boundaries, the method will throw an exception.
var TPA: TPointArray; Bmp: TSCARBitmap; begin TPA := RandomTPA(100, 100, 100); Bmp := BmpFromTPA(TPA, clGreen, clBlack); try WriteLn(TIAToStr(Bmp.GetPixels(TPA))); finally Bmp.Free; end; end.