From SCAR Divi Manual
(Redirected from OpenConnection)
function TCPConnect(const Host: AnsiString; const Port, TimeOut: Integer): Integer;
SCAR Divi 3.26 > Current
- OpenConnection (SCAR Divi 3.00 > Current)
Opens a new TCP connection to the server given by Host at the port given by Port with a connection timeout given by TimeOut. The function returns the index associated with the connection in the TCP resource manager.
var i: Integer; Nick, s: string; Running: Boolean; begin Running := True; Nick := 'Test' + IntToStr(Random(999)); i := TCPConnect('', 6667, 1000); try TCPSend(i, 'NICK ' + Nick); TCPSend(i, 'USER ' + Nick + ' 0 * :' + Nick); TCPSend(i, 'JOIN #scar'); while Running do begin TCPReceive(i, s); if s = '' then Wait(500) else WriteLn(s); if Pos('= #scar', s) > 0 then begin TCPSend(i, 'PRIVMSG #scar :Hello World!'); Running := False; end; end; finally TCPFree(i); end; end.