From SCAR Divi Manual
function TCPReceive(const iTCPClient: Integer; var s: string): Boolean;
SCAR Divi 3.26 > Current
- Before SCAR Divi 3.25 the function would wait for incoming data indefinitely.
- ReadConnectionData (SCAR Divi 3.00 > Current)
Receives data from a TCP connection associated with the index iTCPClient in the TCP client resource manager. The resulting string is returned in s. The read timeout is set to 1000ms, if no data is received before then, s will return an empty string. If s is not empty, the function will return true.
var i: Integer; Nick, s: string; Running: Boolean; begin Running := True; Nick := 'Test' + IntToStr(Random(999)); i := TCPConnect('', 6667, 1000); try TCPSend(i, 'NICK ' + Nick); TCPSend(i, 'USER ' + Nick + ' 0 * :' + Nick); TCPSend(i, 'JOIN #scar'); while Running do begin TCPReceive(i, s); if s = '' then Wait(500) else WriteLn(s); if Pos('= #scar', s) > 0 then begin TCPSend(i, 'PRIVMSG #scar :Hello World!'); Running := False; end; end; finally TCPFree(i); end; end.