From SCAR Divi Manual
function SimilarBitmapsEx(const Bmp1, Bmp2, Tol: Integer; out Diff: TPointArray): Boolean;
SCAR Divi 3.30 > Current
This function returns true if all pixels of 2 given bitmaps specified by Bmp1 and Bmp2 are within the tolerance range of each other specified by Tol. This is determined using the active tolerance algorithm which can be changed with ColorToleranceSpeed. If the functions returns false, it will fill up the TPointArray TPA with the coordinates of all pixels that did not match in case that the bitmaps were of equal size.
var b1, b2: Integer; TPA: TPointArray; begin b1 := BitmapFromString(100, 100, ''); b2 := BitmapFromString(100, 100, ''); if not SimilarBitmapsEx(b1, b2, 5, TPA) then WriteLn(TPAToStr(TPA)); FastSetPixel(b1, 5, 5, 255); if not SimilarBitmapsEx(b1, b2, 5, TPA) then WriteLn(TPAToStr(TPA)); end.